> Shuttle kilns | Induzir - Kilns - Efficiency in Firing
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Shuttle kilns

Shuttle kilns combine versatility to an excellent performance

Our shuttle kilns are built from high-quality materials and are both reliable and long-lasting, features which have been repeatedly proven over the last 20 years. Kilns may vary in size and are normally designed to match client requirements.


Some of the features of our gas-fired shuttle kilns:

  • Energy saving systems;
  • Fan speed control
  • Automatic atmosphere control and setting;
  • Hot air recovery for different purposes;
  • Internal pressure control system;
  • Stainless steel ducting and aluminium fans;
  • Automatic ignition system;
  • Firing programme recovery system in the event of a power cut;
  • Multi-function HMI interface for fuller and safer control;
  • Firing system with high-speed burners;
  • Temperature uniformity;
  • Wide-ranging and complete WEB environment supervision.


PME Lider 2021 PME Excelência 2020 ISO 9001:2015 Compromisso Pagamento Pontual
Induzir - Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos, Lda.
Zona Industrial da Jardoeira, lote 23
2440-474 Batalha - Portugal
+351 244 769 340 (Cost according to your tariff) geral@induzir.pt