> Supplier evaluation criteria | Induzir - Kilns - Efficiency in Firing
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Supplier evaluation criteria

Induzir has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. To meet one of its requirements that determines:

The organization must communicate to external suppliers its requirements for: controlling and monitoring the performance of the external supplier to be applied by the organization” – requirement 8.4.3 paragraph e) of the standard, we inform that annually, our suppliers are evaluated on their performance, by scoring, between 1 and 4 points, the criteria indicated below, together with a weighting of the importance of the same indicators, in relation to the type of supply. The result obtained gives suppliers a classification as determined in Table 1.

All suppliers that are evaluated and obtain a Performance Index above 50% are included in our List of Qualified Suppliers for the current year.


 Evaluation criteria:

C1 - Compliance with CE marking and applicable legislation

C2 – Prices and payment conditions

C3 – Compliance with delivery deadlines

C4 – Global quality of products/services provided

C5 – After sales assistance




Table 1: Classification of the Suppliers

Performance Index


90% a 100%

Preferential Supplier

70% to 89%

Able Supplier

50% to 69%

Able Supplier but with restrictions

< 49%

Unqualified Supplier



When the result of the supplier’s performance is less than 49%, he is informed and will have to indicate improvement actions.


PME Lider 2021 PME Excelência 2020 ISO 9001:2015 Compromisso Pagamento Pontual
Induzir - Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos, Lda.
Zona Industrial da Jardoeira, lote 23
2440-474 Batalha - Portugal
+351 244 769 340 (Cost according to your tariff) geral@induzir.pt